2023: The Year of Come out of hiding

For the majority of 2022, God had me on pause. A pause I did not sign up for, but it was much needed. During this pause, I underwent a metamorphosis of transformation and renewal to find courage in my authenticity and live in boldness. I got rid of people-pleasing, which used to stop me from speaking, creating, and showing up. I let go of everything I was holding on to that hindered my growth, including relationships. With so many losses, I had to properly grieve what was for what God was doing. I experienced many lows, so much so that I didn’t want to return to my assignment. Instead, I found comfort in the cave.

Nevertheless, God was calling me out. What He wanted me to learn all along in the process was that I was enough and I didn’t have to pretend just to fit in. He taught me the power of my authenticity and how much the world needs us to be who He called us to be so they can seek Him. This year God says stop running, quit responding to fear and live the way you are destined. He loves you for you and wants to use you for His glory. So dust yourself off, and rid yourself of the guilt, shame, and condemnation. It’s time to live.

Come out of hiding!

Happy New Year!


Coming out of hiding: the aftereffects


Silent and Secure: The Fear of Losing Position