Delayed, But Not denied

I woke up on Wednesday morning, April 24th to a group message chime from one of our Minister, Min. Channer at Going Places With Jesus. It read, “ This day is a day of restoration.” Still, in a daze from sleep, I rubbed my eyes and responded with, “Amen, and praise God.” I went about my normal routine, giving God thanks for life as I walked downstairs. I don’t usually check the mail my mom places on the kitchen counter, but that day I felt the sudden urge to. 

I couldn’t believe it. From the corner of my eye, I spotted a large  white envelope, in red with the words, “ITS OWL OFFICIAL, Florida Atlantic University.” 


I prayed as I opened it, I squinted my eye in nervousness, but excitement. 

Then I saw, Congratulations! And I went to praising God. I jumped. I screamed. I laughed. I cried. I worshipped. 

I couldn’t stop thanking God. If you know me, if you know my testimony about my education,  if you’ve read my blog post at the beginning of January “Dealing With Disappointment,” then you know my story. I have been delayed two years in my educational journey to achieving my Bachelor’s Degree in Education. The battle has been more than difficult. It has been crucial, but I had to die to self. I had to die to my will and to the plans I made before I consulted the Lord. The most important lesson God had to teach me for the two years I was delayed from attending school was that “I, Monica P. Theophilus worth was not found in my education nor future career.” I made my education a god before the Highest and Supreme God, El Shaddai. I saw the ugly side of myself in the mirror when God delayed my plans to attend school. I saw the girl who placed her worth, her self-esteem in her achievements. I saw myself full of pride, the Leviathan spirit was evident because I idolized the world’s view of success more than Gods’ 

“ Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength” 

( Deuteronomy 6:4 NIV). 

“ Thou shalt have no other gods before me” ( Exodus 20:3-5)

If you are in that place. If you are placing a title, a career, your job, your education, your children, or your family before God. Repent and seek deliverance NOW!.  

I went through deliverance. God had to reset my mind and views about who I am. 

At first, I went through feelings of depression, disappointment, worthlessness, and shame. 

But my God saved me. He taught me in those two years to love Him with my whole heart in doing so I learned to love myself along the way. I learned who I was and my value to God’s kingdom, 

I am NOT defined by a college degree. 

When God told me, my calling was to write. I realized I had to change my major, so in January I applied to Florida Atlantic University and even that was a short delay. As you read I didn’t receive my acceptance letter until April. God is humorous (He was teaching me patience). 

Nevertheless, if I had to, I’d do it all over again. I’d choose deliverance and freedom from pride to serve God fully. I’d choose the dying process to be used by God and give Him all the glory He is deserving of. 

You see, I was delayed, but not denied

I had to go through the pruning process. 

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way,” (Psalm 37:23 KJV). 

I’m bringing you all along this journey as I step into my new season. 

I want to give a special THANK YOU!!! To my biggest supporters. My spiritual parents. They prayed me through and when I wanted to give up they interceded on my behalf. I owe them everything. I thank God for my leaders because they love me regardless. They were supporting me every step of the way. I’m so glad God brought me back home to the loving arms of my church.

I want you all to know, God loves you and He wants what’s best for you. Give it all to God. Trust Him with your future. 

Be encouraged, 

Love Monica


Don’t Look Back


No Greater Love