Shattered window,
Caved in doors,
Broken review mirror.
Flashing lights,
Screams of terror
Horror, dread
Fear of death,
Prayers sent.
Lord have mercy
Escaped my trembling lips.
Spinning vehicle,
Bodies in shock.
It was the devil.
Here to captivate our souls,
Cast down our light,
Grip our lives
And torment our minds,
Like a thief in the night.
O’ Death, but where is your sting.
When the Lord who sits high,
But looks low comes to our rescue.
O’ Death defeated once again aren’t you?
By the king of kings and Lord
who shall forever reign.
When you thought you had authority
and power, the Lord showed up with
glorious might.
You thought you defeated us
Better yet,
Revoke our very right to live.
But oh death, haven’t you learned,
Your very keys were rightfully taken
By the One on the throne.
With a sneer you showed yourself
And with our refuge, we show ourselves.
Broken, but on our way to healing.
Traumatized, barely holding on,
But fighting for our existence,
Weak, but strong in Him.
Hopeful that we will be put back together again.
So death…
O’ where is your sting?
You have been and always
Will be
Defeated over and over again.