Can you be present in the moment,
Relax in the scenery.
Can you slow down for a second
Rest in me.
Can you just enjoy my presence,
I don’t give it away so freely.
I just wanna be close to you,
But you push me away
When you feel the need to
Hide your pain.
But I’m not here to hurt you,
I’m here to watch you grow
And thrive as you do,
Be your guide in the process too.
Can you relax your shoulders,
No need for the attitude.
My No’s are not rejection,
They always work out for your good.
So rest in reassurance
that I want the best for you.
Here’s my presence,
Cry if you need to.
I heard your pain
and your sorrows,
Even when you didn’t
Want me to.
Don’t fear, I won’t use
your vulnerability against you.
But I’ll heal the hurting,
And the trauma,
That you still have troubles
Speaking too.
So, can you be present in the moment,
And rest in me,