Come out of hiding: Committed to community
When I was in my dark season, I felt too ashamed to show up. I was harboring shame, guilt, and condemnation, allowing those feelings to silence me. For a few months, I quit writing, stopped creating, and self-isolated. One day, the Lord used my Mentor to speak life into me and pray for my healing, and it was then I felt my hardened heart from the pressures of life begin to turn into a heart of flesh. I thought the light was through with chasing after me but in reality, I was the run that pushed it away. It was always there, lingering and hoping I get back up again.
Since then, I began my process of speaking up, being vulnerable, dusting off my gifts and talents, and finally, I opened up to the idea of being planted in the community at a home church. The enemy planned that I remain in a cave of self-rejection and sabotage, but God turned it all around. I know a dark season makes you want to run and hide to protect yourself, but it does more harm than good.
When the enemy pushes us to self-isolate, he does it to whisper lies and taunt our minds. Unfortunately, when we push those we love away, we also hinder ourselves from hearing their encouragement, prayers, and from their love. Ecclesiastes 4:10 says, “But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up” (NIV). We need community because it strengthens us. Through people, God helps us grow and change direction, and He uses people to promote and bless us. Refuse to isolate and hide because God can’t heal what we hide or run from. Instead, remain planted, open up your heart and allow yourself to be loved by the father and the people He blessed you with.
I pray you step out of your box this week and get into a community!
Watch my testimony on how I have committed to being a part of a community.
Be Encouraged,
Love Monica