How Long?
How long will you watch in silence when God has given you all power and authority to speak up, pray, uproot, cancel and rebuke?
How long will you preserve yourself out of fear?
How long will you run because of jealousy?
How long will you keep running from your purpose?
How long will you try to fit in before you realize you are meant to stand out?
How long will you hide behind false names and identities?
How long will you deny God’s glory?
How long will you throw yourself a pity party?
How long will you live in the past?
How long will you hide from God and your calling?
How long will you be a bystander?
God says to come out of your hiding places, return to Him, repent and answer the call. Who are you to hide from your maker?
Yes, you’ve experienced trauma, some things you’ve never dared to speak to anyone else, but God says you are safe in Him. You can trust Him. He loves you, and He wants you to come home.
Remove the muzzle, let go of the mask, and quit the facade. You’re needed!